I benefici della subacquea: salute psicofisica e socialità. Benessere mentale, riduzione dello stress, benessere fisico ma, soprattutto, la possibilità di far parte della comunità dei subacquei.
Easydive, a history of Made in Italy. An entrepreneur who wanted to transfer his passion to everyone. With a promise of value: quality. Because an Easydive case is a forever thing.
Without limits
Senza limiti è il film del momento, lo trovate nella suite della piattaforma Netflix. Bello, brutto? Veritiero, inattendibile? Esce a vent’anni esatti dall’incidente di Audrey Mestre. Vi dico la mia, conscio del rischio di attirarmi delle critiche…
Mares Horizon
Mares Horizon: a revolutionary way to go underwater. My feelings after the Try Horizon, my test with the Horizon on my shoulders. Perfect simplicity, noise relief. Immersed in silence I was just an observer.
Lisa, Paolo and the Frala
Lisa, Paolo and the Frala: a sunny and smiling girl, a grumpy sailor with a heart of gold and a boat that is their little gem. On board of the Frala you will go on unforgettable diving cruises between the Tuscan archipelago and Corsica. But now read this amazing story.
CO.GE.PA: the “social contract” between man and the sea
The social contract between man and the sea was born in Sicily, thanks to a consortium. CO.GE.PA is a wonderful example of integration between companies, organizations and people who live thanks to the sea. And who have decided to respect it.
Regulations and incentives for the protection of biodiversity
The regulations and incentives for the protection of biodiversity put in place by the institutions lay the foundations for the construction of a European continent with zero climate impact. It will benefit the environment and in particular “our sea”.
The sea lily
The sea lily is not a lily and not even a plant. It is a crinoid, similar to starfish, very rare and 490 million years old. With a particularity: the sea lily of the Mediterranean helped to build the Dolomites.
The bailout rebreather
The bailout rebreather, a new trend. Thanks to Mario Marconi we retraced past experiences and found out which type of diver it is suitable for. And above all what kind of training is needed.
Cristina, Luca and Asinara Camp
Cristina, Luca, and Asinara Camp: the story of a marine biologist who has combined diving and science and married the visionary project of her life partner. Asinara Camp is the place where a guy can become conscious, safe, and have a profound knowledge of the marine environment that surrounds him.