The truth about the plane of Santa Caterina, the German twin-engine Junker 88 crashed about two miles off the coast of Santa Caterina di Nardò, in Salento, on the Ionian side.
On the routes of Sebastiano Tusa
“On the routes of Sebastiano” Tusa is the fourth book by Maria Laura Crescimanno and retraces Sebastiano Tusa’s favorite places. The itineraries that highlight the treasures immersed in the Sicilian seabed, connecting them to the history of this splendid land.
Moving towards sustainable fishing activities
We are moving towards sustainable fishing activities. New generation fishing nets, bioplastic mussel socks. Biodegradability, composting and recycling are the green missions of the future.
Sustainability, sustainable development, biodiversity and the essential need to recycle.